rem  This program written by    Rick3137 for NaaLaa6
pendown = 0 ;   PenX# = 0.0 ; PenY# = 0.0 ; Angle# = 0.0 ; Angle2# = 0.0 ; x1# =0.0 ; y1# = 0.0
 x2# = 0.0  ;  y2# = 0.0 ; dx# = 0.0 ; dy# = 0.0 ; d# = 0.0 ;  cnt2 = 0 ; red =0 ; green = 0 ; blue = 0 ; key = 0
stx#  = 0.0  ; sty# = 0.0 ; cnt3 = 0 ; cnt = 0  ;  n1# = 1.0 ;  clr = 1 
Angle# = 0.0   ;  AngleR# = 120.0 ; c1 = 0 ; c2 = 0 ; d# = 0.0
a = 0          
   rem   Starts Program
     set redraw off

set window 0, 0, 1200, 700, true, 1
set color 25, 25, 40
set color 100, 0, 200
pendown = 1
      d# = 580.0
      c1 = 1
      c2 = 3
      n1# = 3.0
      Angle# = 30.0
      Angle2# = 90.0
      AngleR# = 120.0
      PenX# = -250.0
      PenY# = -230.0
     a = Fractal (d#)
      wln  " HIT SPACEBAR TO END "
       wait keydown
       a = 1
       set color 25, 25, 60
       set color 100, 0, 200
 until a > 0

        rem wait keydown
     rem   This ends the program.

  function Fractal (  Distance# )
            zcnt = 0
            c1 = c1 + 1

            while zcnt < 3
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
              a = Fractal2 (  Distance# / 2.0)
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1

 function Fractal2 (  Distance# )
            zcnt = 0
            c1 = c1 + 1

            while zcnt < 4
                proc RotateRight 90.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
              a = Fractal3 (  Distance# / 2.0)
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1
                proc makecolor(clr)
                clr = clr + 4
                if clr > 70 then clr = 1


 function Fractal3 (  Distance# )
            zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 4
                proc RotateRight 90.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
              a = Fractal4 (  Distance# / 2.0)
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1



 function Fractal4 (  Distance# )
   zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 3
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
            a = Fractal5 (  Distance# /2.0 )
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0

                zcnt = zcnt + 1

 function Fractal5 (  Distance# )
   zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 3
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
            a = Fractal6 (  Distance# /2.0 )
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1

    proc makecolor(clr)
            clr = clr + 1
            if clr > 70 then clr = 1


 function Fractal6 (  Distance# )
   zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 3
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
            a = Fractal7 (  Distance# /2.0 )
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1



 function Fractal7 (  Distance# )
   zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 3
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
            a = Fractal8 (  Distance# /2.0 )
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1



 function Fractal8 (  Distance# )
   zcnt = 0
            while zcnt < 3
                proc RotateRight 120.0
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
            rem a = Fractal5 (  Distance# /2.0 )
                proc MoveSteps  Distance# /2.0
                zcnt = zcnt + 1


procedure  makecolor( abc)             ;  rem All variables are local
    if clr > 70 then clr = 1
    if clr = 0 then clr = 1
    if clr < 0 then clr = 1
    if clr = 1 then set color 10, 20, 255
    if clr = 2 then set color 20, 40, 255
    if clr = 3 then set color 30, 60, 255
    if clr = 4 then set color 40, 80, 255
    if clr = 5 then set color 50, 100, 255
    if clr = 6 then set color 60, 120, 255
    if clr = 7 then set color 70, 140, 255
    if clr = 8 then set color 80, 160, 255
    if clr = 9 then set color 90, 180, 255
    if clr = 10 then set color 150, 200, 255
    if clr = 11 then set color 10, 255, 255
    if clr = 12 then set color 20, 255, 255
    if clr = 13 then set color 30, 255, 255
    if clr = 14 then set color 40, 255, 255
    if clr = 15 then set color 50, 255, 255
    if clr = 16 then set color 60, 255, 255
    if clr = 17 then set color 70, 255, 255
    if clr = 18 then set color 80, 255, 255
    if clr = 19 then set color 90, 255, 255
    if clr = 20 then set color 100, 255, 255
    if clr = 21 then set color 0, 255, 100
    if clr = 22 then set color 0, 255, 90
    if clr = 23 then set color 0, 255, 80
    if clr = 24 then set color 0, 255, 70
    if clr = 25 then set color 0, 255, 60
    if clr = 26 then set color 0, 255, 50
    if clr = 27 then set color 0, 255, 40
    if clr = 28 then set color 0, 255, 30
    if clr = 29 then set color 0, 255, 20       
    if clr = 30 then set color 0, 255, 10
    if clr = 31 then set color 255, 255, 10
    if clr = 32 then set color 255, 255, 20
    if clr = 33 then set color 255, 255, 30
    if clr = 34 then set color 255, 255, 40
    if clr = 35 then set color 255, 255, 50
    if clr = 36 then set color 255, 255, 60
    if clr = 37 then set color 255, 255, 70
    if clr = 38 then set color 255, 255, 80
    if clr = 39 then set color 255, 255, 90       
    if clr = 40 then set color 255, 255, 100
    if clr = 41 then set color 255, 10, 255
    if clr = 42 then set color 255, 20, 255
    if clr = 43 then set color 255, 30, 255
    if clr = 44 then set color 255, 40, 255
    if clr = 45 then set color 255, 50, 255
    if clr = 46 then set color 255, 60, 255
    if clr = 47 then set color 255, 70, 255
    if clr = 48 then set color 255, 80, 255       
    if clr = 49 then set color 255, 90, 255
        if clr = 50 then set color 255, 200, 255
    if clr = 51 then set color 10, 255, 0
    if clr = 52 then set color 20, 255, 0
    if clr = 53 then set color 30, 255, 0
    if clr = 54 then set color 40, 255, 0
    if clr = 55 then set color 50, 255, 0
    if clr = 56 then set color 60, 255, 0
    if clr = 57 then set color 70, 255, 0
    if clr = 58 then set color 80, 255, 0
    if clr = 59 then set color 90, 255, 0       
    if clr = 60 then set color 100, 255, 0
    if clr = 61 then set color 0, 255, 10
    if clr = 62 then set color 0, 255, 20
    if clr = 63 then set color 0, 255, 30
    if clr = 64 then set color 0, 255, 40
    if clr = 65 then set color 0, 255, 50
    if clr = 66 then set color 0, 255, 60
    if clr = 67 then set color 0, 255, 70
    if clr = 68 then set color 0, 255, 80
    if clr = 69 then set color 0, 255, 90       
    if clr = 70 then set color 0, 155, 0



procedure  ChangeColor(n)
    blue = blue + n
    if blue > 255 then blue = blue - 150
        red = red + n
    if red > 255 then red = red - 200
        green = green + n
    if green > 255 then green = green - 230

    if blue < 90 then blue = blue + 100
    if red < 70 then red = red + 80
    if green < 50 then green = green + 50

    set color  red,green,blue


procedure  RotateRight(n#)
         Angle# = Angle# + n#

               if  Angle# > 360.0   then  Angle# = Angle# - 360.0 
               if  Angle# = 360.0    then  Angle# = 0.0


procedure  RotateLeft(n#)
         if  Angle# = n#  
               Angle# = 0.0
               n# = 0.0
         if  Angle# > n# 
           Angle# = Angle# - n#
           Angle# = n# - Angle# 
           Angle# = 360.0 - Angle#

                rem  math degrees = 450 - compass degrees
procedure  GetAngle (n#)  ;       rem  input compass degrees, output math degrees                            
    n# = 450.0 - n#
    if n# = 450.0 then n# = 90.0
    if n# > 450.0 then n# = n# - 360.0
     Angle2# = n#

procedure  MoveSteps ( t# )                          
      lx = 0 ; ly  = 0 ; lx2  =  0 ; ly2  =  0                             
     x1#  =  500.0  + PenX#                               
     y1#  =  300.0  - PenY#                                
     proc  GetAngle   Angle#                         
     dx# = cos (Angle2#)                                         
     dy# = sin (Angle2#) 
     x2#  =  x1#  +  ( dx# * t# )
     y2#  =  y1#  -   (dy# * t# )
     lx = int(x1#)  ;  lx2 = int(x2#)  ;  ly = int(y1#)  ;  ly2 = int(y2#)
     if pendown = 1   then   draw line lx,ly,lx2,ly2 
     PenX# = PenX# + (dx# * t#)  
     PenY# = PenY# + (dy# * t#)


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