SDL Konnect4

      This program was translated by Johnno56 from NaaLaa to SDLBasic.

    It is a remake of an old game called "Connect4"
Size : 13.742 Kb
Type : zip

' Konnect4 - Rick3137 - N6

common size, event, sqrcolor, mx, my, square, column, row, column2
common gameover, move, BackGround

dim Board[99]
dim Board2[80]
dim TopSquare[12]
dim BestMove[12]

click = loadsound("data/click.wav")
beep2 = loadsound("data/beep2.wav")
beep3 = loadsound("data/beep3.wav")

image1 = loadImage("data/image1.png",1) ' red player
image2 = loadImage("data/image2.png",2) ' blue player


move = 1

sub start()
 ThisIsAPlaceHolder = 1
end sub

sub Setup()
'rem Setup Variables and other things here.
 gameover = 0
 event = 1
 for a= 1 to 64
  Board[a] = 0
end sub

sub SetupBackground
 x = 0
 y = 0
 BackGround = 42
 'create image BackGround,1200,700
 'set image BackGround
 ink(rgb(0,30,40)) ',5
 for a = 1 to 46600
  x = x + 4
  if x > 1150 then
   x = 0
   y = y + 4
  end if
 'set image primary
 'set color 255,255,255
end sub

sub SetupSound()
 click = loadsound("data/click.wav")
 beep3 = loadsound("data/beep3.wav")
 beep2 = loadsound("data/beep2.wav")
end sub

sub SetupPieces
' image1 = loadImage("data/image1.png",1) ' red player
' image2 = loadImage("data/image2.png",2) ' blue player

 for a = 1 to 64
  Board[a] = 0
end sub

sub DrawBoard
 'rem set color 0,10,30
 'rem cls
 'draw image BackGround,0,0
 ink(rgb(0,0,255)) ',20
end sub

sub MakeSquares()
 x = 267
 y = 27
 size = 80
 for a = 1 to 8
  for b = 1 to 8
   y = y + size
  x = x + size
  y = 27
 'set color 255,255,255
end sub

sub DisplayPieces()
 'set color 255,255,255
 x = 267
 y = 29
 for a = 1 to 64
  b = Board[a]
  'if b > 0 then
   if b = 1 then: pasteIcon(x,y,image1): end if
   if b = 2 then: pasteIcon(x,y,image2): end if
  'end if
  c = Board2[a]
  x = x + 80
  if x > 900 then
   x = 267
   y = y + 80
  end if
 'set color 255,255,255
end sub

sub PlayerMove
' ink(rgb(255,255,0))
' text(0,0,24,"PlayerMove - Accessed")
 ofset = 0
 for a = 1 to 8
  if Board[column + ofset ] = 0 then
   Board[column + ofset] = 1
   if ofset > 0 then:  Board[column + ofset - 8 ] = 0: end if
   ofset = ofset + 8
  end if


 move = 2
end sub

sub CheckMouse
 if mousebutton then
  mx = mousex
  my = mousey
  square = 0
  x =  267
  x2 = 347
  y = 27
  y2 = 107
  for b = 1 to 8
   if mx > x and mx < x2 then: column = b: end if
   x = x + 80
   x2 = x2 + 80
  for c = 1 to 8
   if my > y and my < y2 then: row = c: end if
   y = y + 80
   y2 = y2 + 80
  if column > 0 then
   square = row * 8 - 8 + column
   ' rem proc SelectSquare square
  end if
  if move = 1 then
  end if
 end if
end sub

sub EndGame()
 a = 0
 b = 0
 if gameover > 0 then: event = 3: end if
end sub

sub HowToPlay
 a = 1
 'create font 0, "arial", 24
 'set caret 200,100
 text(200,100,24,"   To play the game, select any column")
 text(200,130,24,"and click it to drop your piece into it.")
 text(200,160,24,"   You win if you get four in a row before ")
 text(200,190,24,"the computer does. ")
 'prints("") 220
 'prints("") 250
 'prints("") 280
 'prints("") 310
 text(200,340,24," For more information, see Google; 'connect four game' ")
 'prints("") 370
 text(200,400,24," Hit any key to continue. ")
 'prints("") 430
 text(200,460,24," " )
end sub

sub AfterGame
   'create font 0, "arial", 48

   if gameover = 1 then: text(5,200,24," YOU WIN !"): end if
   if gameover = 2 then: text(5,200,24,"COMPUTER"): end if
   if gameover = 2 then: text(5,230,24," WINS..."): end if
   if gameover = 3 then: text(2,200,24," A DRAW !"): end if
   'create font 0, "arial", 16
   'set caret 20,300
   'wln "   "
   text(20,290,16,"Philipians 4:8")
   text(20,320,16,"Finally, brothers,whatever is")
   text(20,340,16,"true, whatever is noble,")
   text(20,360,16,"whatever is right, whatever")
   text(20,380,16,"is pure, whatever is lovely,")
   text(20,400,16,"whatever is admirable -- if")
   text(20,420,16,"anything is excellent or")
   text(20,440,16,"praiseworthy -- think about")
   text(20,460,16,"such things.")
end sub

sub SetColor(a)
     if a = 1 then: ink(rgb(60,255,50)): end if
     if a = 2 then: ink(rgb(20,20,255)): end if
     if a = 3 then: ink(rgb(250,50,50)): end if
     if a = 4 then: ink(rgb(50,250,250)): end if
     if a = 5 then: ink(rgb(250,50,250)): end if
     if a = 6 then: ink(rgb(250,250,50)): end if
     if a = 7 then: ink(rgb(150,20,180)): end if
     if a = 8 then: ink(rgb(20,130,130)): end if
     sqrcolor = a
end sub

sub GetTopSquares
 for a = 1 to 8
  ofset = 0
  for b = 1 to 8
   square = Board[a+ofset]
   if square = 0 and a+ ofset< 65 then: TopSquare[a] = a + ofset: end if
   ofset = ofset + 8
end sub

sub ScanMoves
 for a = 1 to 8
  b = TopSquare[a]
  if b > 0 then
   if a > 3 and a < 6 then: BestMove[a] = 1: end if
   if Board[b+8] = 1 and Board[b+16]=1 and Board[b+24]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
   if Board[b+8] = 2 and Board[b+16]=2 and Board[b+24]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if

   if a<7 and Board[b+1] = 2 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 1: end if
   if a<6 and Board[b+1] = 1 and Board[b+2]=1 and Board[b+3]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
   if a<6 and Board[b+1] = 2 and Board[b+2]=2 and Board[b+3]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if

   if a<7 and Board[b+1] = 1 and Board[b+2] = 1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 2: end if
   if b>2 and Board[b-1] = 1 and Board[b-2] = 1 and a>3 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 2: end if
   if a>1 and Board[b+1] = 2 and Board[b+2] = 2 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 2: end if
   if b>2 and Board[b-1] = 2 and Board[b-2] = 2 and a>2 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 2: end if

   if a>3 then
    if Board[b-1] = 2  then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 1: end if
    if Board[b-1] = 1 and Board[b-2]=1 and Board[b-3]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
    if Board[b-1] = 2 and Board[b-2]=2 and Board[b-3]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
   end if
  end if
end sub

sub ScanMoves2
 for a = 1 to 8
  b = TopSquare[a]
  if b > 0 then
   if a<6 then
    if Board[b+9] = 1 and Board[b+18]=1 and Board[b+27]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
    if Board[b+9] = 2 and Board[b+18]=2 and Board[b+27]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
    if Board[b+1] = 1 and Board[b+9]=1 and Board[b+18]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 0: end if
   end if
   if a>3 then
    if Board[b+7] = 1 and Board[b+14]=1 and Board[b+21]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
    if Board[b+7] = 2 and Board[b+14]=2 and Board[b+21]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
    if Board[b-1] = 1 and Board[b+8]=1 and Board[b+16]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 0: end if
   end if
  end if
end sub

sub ScanMoves3
 for a = 1 to 8
  b = TopSquare[a]
  if b > 0 then
   if a<7 and a>1 and Board[b+1] = 1 and Board[b+2]=1 and Board[b-1]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
            if a<8 and a>2 and Board[b-1] = 1 and Board[b-2]=1 and Board[b+1]=1 then: BestMove[a] = 10: end if
            if a<6 and Board[b+1] = 2 and Board[b+2]=2 and Board[b+3] = 0 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 3: end if
            if a>3 and Board[b-1] = 2 and Board[b-2]=2 and Board[b-3] = 0 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 3: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>14 and Board[b-7] = 1 and Board[b-14]=1 and Board[b+7]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 10: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>14 and Board[b-7] = 2 and Board[b-14]=2 and Board[b+7]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>7 and Board[b-7] = 1 and Board[b+14]=1 and Board[b+7]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 10: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>7 and Board[b-7] = 2 and Board[b+14]=2 and Board[b+7]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>18 and Board[b-9] = 1 and Board[b-18]=1 and Board[b+9]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 10: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>18 and Board[b-9] = 2 and Board[b-18]=2 and Board[b+9]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>9 and Board[b-9] = 1 and Board[b+18]=1 and Board[b+9]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] + 10: end if
            if a<9 and a>3 and b>9 and Board[b-9] = 2 and Board[b+18]=2 and Board[b+9]=2 then: BestMove[a] = 20: end if
  end if
end sub

sub ScanMoves4
 for a = 1 to 8
  b = TopSquare[a]
  if b > 0 then
   if a<6 and a>0 and b>7 and Board[b-7] = 1 and Board[b-6]=1 and Board[b-5]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<7 and a>1 and b>9 and Board[b-9] = 1 and Board[b-7]=1 and Board[b-6]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<9 and a>3 and b>11 and Board[b-9] = 1 and Board[b-10]=1 and Board[b-11]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<7 and a>2 and b>10 and Board[b-9] = 1 and Board[b-10]=1 and Board[b-7]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<6 and a>0 and b>28 and Board[b-14] = 1 and Board[b-21]=1 and Board[b-28]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<6 and a>0 and b>36 and Board[b-18] = 1 and Board[b-27]=1 and Board[b-36]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<6 and a>3 and b>11 and Board[b+1] = 1 and Board[b+10]=1 and Board[b+19]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a<7 and a>2 and b>1 and Board[b-1] = 1 and Board[b+6]=1 and Board[b+13]=1 then: BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 9: end if
   if a = 1 or a = 8 or a = 2 or a = 7 then:  BestMove[a] = BestMove[a] - 2: end if
  end if
end sub

function PickBestMove(m)
 for a = 1 to 8
  if BestMove[a] > b then
   b = BestMove[a]
   c = a
  end if
 if b > 0 then: return c: end if
 return m
end function

sub ComputerMove
 ofset = 0
 a = 1
 for a = 1 to 8
  BestMove[a] = 0
 while a > 0
  column2 = rnd(8)+1
  col = column2
  a = Board[col]
 col = PickBestMove(col)
 column2 = col
 for a = 1 to 8
  if Board[col + ofset ] = 0 then
   Board[col + ofset] = 2
   if ofset > 0 then: Board[col + ofset - 8 ] = 0: end if
   ofset = ofset + 8
  end if

 move = 1
end sub

sub CheckForPlayerWin
    col = 1
 rw = 1
    if Board[1] > 0 and Board[2] > 0 and Board[3] > 0 and Board[4] > 0 and Board[5] > 0 and Board[6] > 0 and Board[7] > 0 and Board[8] > 0 then: gameover = 3: end if

    for a = 1 to 64
        b = Board[a]
        if b = 1 and col < 6 and Board[a+1] = 1 and Board[a+2] = 1 and Board[a+3] = 1 then: gameover = 1: end if
        if b = 1 and rw < 6 and Board[a+8] = 1 and Board[a+16] = 1 and Board[a+24] = 1 then: gameover = 1: end if
        if b = 1 and rw < 6 and col<6 and Board[a+9] = 1 and Board[a+18] = 1 and Board[a+27] = 1 then: gameover = 1: end if
        if b = 1 and rw > 3 and col<6 and Board[a-7] = 1 and Board[a-14] = 1 and Board[a-21] = 1 then: gameover = 1: end if
        col = col + 1
        if col = 9 then
   col = 1
   rw = rw + 1
  end if
end sub

sub CheckForComputerWin
    col = 1
 rw = 1
    if Board[1] > 0 and Board[2] > 0 and Board[3] > 0 and Board[4] > 0 and Board[5] > 0 and Board[6] > 0 and Board[7] > 0 and Board[8] > 0 then: gameover = 3: end if
    for a = 1 to 64
        b = Board[a]
        if b = 2 and col < 6 and Board[a+1] = 2 and Board[a+2] = 2 and Board[a+3] = 2 then: gameover = 2: end if
        if b = 2 and rw < 6 and Board[a+8] = 2 and Board[a+16] = 2 and Board[a+24] = 2 then: gameover = 2: end if
        if b = 2 and rw < 6 and col<6 and Board[a+9] = 2 and Board[a+18] = 2 and Board[a+27] = 2 then: gameover = 2: end if
        if b = 2 and rw > 3 and col<6 and Board[a-7] = 2 and Board[a-14] = 2 and Board[a-21] = 2 then: gameover = 2: end if
        col = col + 1
        if col = 9 then
   col = 1
   rw = rw + 1
  end if
end sub


 if event = 2 then
  if gameover = 0 then
   if gameover < 1 then: CheckForPlayerWin: end if
   if move = 2 and gameover < 1 then: ComputerMove: end if
   if gameover<1 then: CheckForComputerWin: end if
  end if
  if gameover > 0 then: EndGame: end if
 end if
 if event = 1 then: HowToPlay: cls: SetupBackground: wait(100): end if
 'if event = 1 then: HowToPlay: cls: end if
 if event = 3 then: exit do: end if




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